Does the order of different successive vehicle pass-bys have an influence on the annoyance due to urban road traffic noise?

Invited paper

Catherine Marquis-Favre

University of Lyon, Labex CeLyA, ENTPE

Wednesday 3 june, 2015, 14:40 - 15:00

0.2 Berlin (90)

Noise annoyance is mainly predicted by mean energy-based indices. But such indices only explain a small part of the annoyance expressed by individuals. This is necessary to enhance the understanding of perceptual phenomena involved in annoyance responses. We propose to study the influence of the acoustic characteristics of urban road traffic on noise annoyance. Several studies showed that loudness is a basis of annoyance; other studies showed that differences in time-intensity profiles lead to different loudness judgments. An urban road traffic is composed of different vehicles which present different time-intensity profiles. Thus, considering one traffic composition, a question may arise: does the successive vehicle order have an effect on the annoyance due to the road traffic noise? We studied such potential effect for urban road traffics composed of powered-two-wheelers, heavy and light vehicles. Annoyance was assessed in laboratory conditions. The participants evaluated the annoyance due to noise sequences composed of three pass-by noises presented in different orders. The noise sequences were constructed from in situ recordings. This experiment showed that the order of vehicles does not have any effect on the noise annoyance ratings due to urban road traffic composed of powered two-wheelers, heavy and light vehicles.

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