A Novel Method of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Noise Prediction

Regular paper

Jason Botha

Trinity College Dublin

Monday 1 june, 2015, 12:20 - 12:40

0.7 Lisbon (47)

Vertical Axis Wind Turbines are becoming more commonplace in urban environments but to date there has not been much computational work done to quantify their noise outputs. The EU FP7 SWIP project aims to deal with and overcome the main barriers that slow down the massive deployment of small and medium size wind turbines. One of the outputs of the project is a novel, six bladed, vertical axis wind turbine rated at 2kW. This work aims to predict aeroacoustic noise generated by the SWIP vertical axis wind turbine by means of a novel noise prediction method. Due to the high computational cost of LES an approach is proposed in which ANSYS Fluent is used to determine the transient flow solution, using LES, on a 2.5D airfoil section undergoing rotation. Acoustic signals are determined by employing the FW-H analogy over an integration region around the turbine. Contribution of sources along the span are then summed up and propagated to a farfield receiver as the overall noise produced by the turbine. An estimate of the SPL and directivity of aeroacoustic noise sources of the turbine is determined and the computational results will be verified once the wind turbine is manufactured and installed.

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