Amphi 1 bis |
Amphi 2 |
Amphi 3 |
9:00 |
Bubbles and cavitation 1
Theory and experimental demonstration of a single beam acoustical tweezers D. Baresch, J.-L. Thomas, R. Marchiano
Solids and soft matter
Soil Plate Oscillator: Modeling Nonlinear Mesoscopic Elastic Behavior and Hysteresis in Nonlinear Acoustic Landmine Detection M.S. Korman, D.V. Duong, A.E. Kalsbeek
9:20 |
Rotating small solid objects in liquids by a focused vortex ultrasound beam O. Sapozhnikov, M. Terzi, A. Nikolaeva, S. Tsysar, A. Maxwell
Nonlinear propagation in fluids 1
Propagation of acoustic shock waves between parallel rigid boundaries and into shadow zones C. Desjouy, S. Ollivier, O. Marsden, D. Dragna, P. Blanc-Benon
9:40 |
Theoretical investigation of the mechanisms involved in the modification of the cavitation threshold by multifrequency excitations M. Guédra, C. Desjouy, C. Inserra, J.-C. Béra, B. Gilles
Benchmark problems for long range atmospheric infrasound propagation R. Sabatini, O. Marsden, C. Bogey, C. Bailly
3D TREND for crack orientation characterization P.-Y. Le Bas, T. Ulrich, B. Anderson
10:00 |
Quantitative nonlinearity analysis of model-scale jet noise K.G. Miller, B.O. Reichman, K.L. Gee, T.B. Neilsen, A.A. Atchley
Bulk strain solitons in rods, plates and shells A. Samsonov, G. Dreiden, I. Semenova, A. Shvartz
10:20 |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
11:00 |
Plenary lecture 5: Douglas Drob
Infrasound remote sensing of the atmosphere D. Drob
12:00 |
13:40 |
Bubbles and cavitation 2
Acoustic wave equation in bubbly liquid B. Miao, Y. An
Nonlinear propagation in fluids 2
Development of Nonlinear Acoustic Propagation Analysis Tool toward Realization of Loud Noise Environment in Aeronautics M. Kanamori, T. Takahashi, T. Aoyama
Granular media 1
Irreversible Nonlinear Sound-Matter Interaction in Granular Media X. Jia
14:00 |
Dynamics of an aspherical bubble oscillating near a rigid sphere E. Kurihara
Structures of lee waves over combined topography N. Makarenko, J. Maltseva, A. Cherevko
14:20 |
Nonlinear activity of acoustically driven gas bubble near a rigid boundary A. Maksimov
Modeling of non-linear interaction of waves in rocks C. Larmat, R. Guyer, P.-Y. Le Bas, P. Johnson, J. Tencate
14:40 |
Derivation of the nonlinearity parameter B/A of saturated, unconsolidated marine sediments via a statistical approach H. Lee, E. Noh, W.-S. Ohm, O.-C. Kwon
Modulation of P-waves by S-waves in rocks A. Malcolm, J. Ten Cate, X. Feng, M. Fehler
15:00 |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
15:40 |
Sonic boom propagation
Lateral Cutoff Analysis and Results from NASA’s Farfield Investigation of No-boom Thresholds L. Cliatt, M. Hill, E. Haering, S. Arnac
Granular media 2
Slow Dynamics in Granular Media: Theoretical Models and Experiments P. Johnson, A. Lebedev, L. Ostrovsky, J. Riviere
16:00 |
Numerical Model of Sonic Boom in 3D Kinematic Turbulence. F. Coulouvrat, D. Luquet, R. Marchiano
In Situ Acoustoelastic Testing: A Passive Monitoring Approach to Study Crustal and Fault Zone Rocks G. Hillers
16:20 |
Measured N-Wave Sonic Boom Events and Sensitivity in Sonic Boom Metrics J. Palmer, V.W. Sparrow
Observations of the Nonlinear Interaction of Two Waves Intersecting at Angles in Earth Materials J. Ten Cate, P.-Y. Le Bas, C. Larmat, P. Johnson, R. Guyer
16:40 |
Closing Ceremony |
Amphi 1 bis |
Amphi 2 |
Amphi 3 |