Amphi 1 bis |
Amphi 2 |
Amphi 3 |
9:00 |
Computational methods in Nonlinear Acoustics 1
Three dimensional full-wave nonlinear acoustic simulations: applications to ultrasound imaging G. Pinton
Therapeutic applications 2
Enhancement of Cavitation Inception by Second-harmonic Superimposition for Focused Ultrasound Treatment S.-I. Umemura, S. Yoshizawa, R. Takagi, J. Yasuda
Thermoacoustics 2
Analogy between the One-dimensional Acoustic Waveguide and the Electrical Transmission Line in the Cases of Nonlinearity and Relaxation D. Yang, H. Zhang, S. Shi, J. Shi, D. Li, B. Hu
9:20 |
Numerical Modelling of Nonlinear Full-Wave Acoustic Propagation P.L. Rendón, R. Velasco
Suppression of Oscillations in a Coupled Thermoacoustic Oscillators T. Biwa
9:40 |
GPU Simulation of Nonlinear Propagation of Dual Band Ultrasound Pulse Complexes J. Kvam, B. Angelsen, A. Elster
Numerical Study of a Confocal Ultrasonic Setup for Creation of Cavitation M. Lafond, F. Chavrier, F. Prieur, J.-L. Mestas, C. Lafon
Theoretical Study of a Thermo-acousto-electric Engine equipped with an Electroacoustic Feedback Loop C. Olivier, G. Penelet, G. Poignand, P. Lotton
10:00 |
Simulation of Nonlinear Ultrasound Wave Propagation in Fourier Domain F. Varray, O. Basset, C. Cachard
Enhanced focus steering abilities of multi-element therapeutic arrays operating in nonlinear regimes P. Yuldashev, S. Ilyin, L. Gavrilov, O. Sapozhnikov, W. Kreider, V. Khokhlova
Evolution equation of subcritical Hopf bifurcation in thermoacoustic oscillations H. Hyodo, T. Biwa
10:20 |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
Coffee Break |
11:00 |
Plenary lecture 2: Vincent Tournat
Nonlinear acoustic wave processes in granular media V. Tournat
12:00 |
13:40 |
General nonlinear acoustics 2
Fatigue Crack Detection based on Change of Linear Ultrasonic Features caused by Structural Nonlinearity H.J. Lim, H. Sohn
Radiation force in biology and medicine
Nonlinear Aspects of Acoustic Radiation Force in Biomedical Applications L. Ostrovsky, S. Tsyuryupa, A. Sarvazyan
Thermoacoustics 3
Oscillating viscous boundary layer at high Reynolds number : Experiments and numerical calculations I. Reyt, H. Bailliet, E. Foucault, J.-C. Valière
14:00 |
Finite Element Modeling of the Non Collinear Mixing Method for Detection and Characterization of Closed Cracks P. Blanloeuil, A. Meziane
Effect of particle-particle interactions on the acoustic radiation force in an ultrasonic standing wave B. Lipkens, Y. Ilinskii, E. Zabolotskaya
Measurements of acoustic minor loss in a tube with geometrical irregularities Y. Ueda, S. Yonemitsu, T. Saito
14:20 |
Numerical and Experimental Analysis of harmonic generation method for detection of closed cracks A. Saidoun, A. Meziane, M. Rénier, F. Zhang, H. Walaszek
Acoustic Radiation Force due to Arbitrary Incident Fields on Spherical Particles in Soft Tissue B. Treweek, Y. Ilinskii, E. Zabolotskaya, M. Hamilton
LDV measurements of Rayleigh streaming in narrow channels R. Bessis, H. Bailliet, I. Reyt, J.-C. Valière
14:40 |
Nonlinear Ultrasonic Imaging of Thermal Fatigue Cracks of Several Tens nm Gap in Glass Plates M. Hertl, K. Kawashima, K. Sekino, H. Yasui, T. Aida
Experimental Study of Acoustic Radiation Force of an Ultrasound Beam on Absorbing and Scattering Objects A. Nikolaeva, M. Kryzhanovskiy, S. Tsysar, W. Kreider, O. Sapozhnikov
New Method to Increase the Energy Conversion Efficiency of Thermoacoustic Engine. A. Kido, S.-I. Sakamoto, K. Taga, Y. Watanabe
15:00 |
Coffee Break / Poster Session |
Coffee Break / Poster Session |
Coffee Break / Poster Session |
16:00 |
General nonlinear acoustics 3
Acoustic Streaming Jets: a Scaling and Dimensional Analysis. V. Botton, B. Moudjed, D. Henry, S. Millet, H. Ben Hadid, J.-P. Garandet
Imaging and tissue characterization 1
Ultrasound Contrast Agent Imaging: Real-time Imaging of the Superharmonics D. Peruzzini, J. Viti, P. Tortoli, M. Verweij, N. De Jong, H. Vos
Computational methods in Nonlinear Acoustics 2
The development of a hybrid finite difference solution of the Westervelt equation using the Fast Nearfield Method as a boundary condition for focused sources K. Bader, C. Holland
16:20 |
Inertial effects on non linear acoustic streaming V. Daru, D. Baltean-Carlès, C. Weisman
Cumulative Phase Delay Imaging - a new contrast enhanced ultrasound modality L. Demi, R.J.G. Van Sloun, H. Wijkstra, M. Mischi
A boundary condition to the Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya equation for modeling strongly focused nonlinear ultrasound fields P. Rosnitskiy, P. Yuldashev, V. Khokhlova
16:40 |
Control of droplet temperature on disposable digital microfluidic system based on acoustic streaming J. Kondoh, N. Ohashi
Experimental Study of Transmission of a Pulsed Focused Beam through a Skull Phantom in Nonlinear Regime S. Tsysar, A. Nikolaeva, V. Svet, V. Khokhlova, P. Yuldashev, O. Sapozhnikov
Acoustic characterization of high intensity focused ultrasound fields generated from a transmitter with a large aperture D. Zhang, T. Fan
17:00 |
Tunable Optical Lens Array Using Viscoelastic Material and Acoustic Radiation Force D. Koyama, Y. Kashihara, M. Hatanaka, K. Nakamura, M. Matsukawa
Simulation of nonlinear propagation of biomedical ultrasound using PZFlex and the KZK Texas code S. Qiao, E. Jackson, R. Cleveland
Experimental Validation of Computational Models for Large-scale Nonlinear Ultrasound Simulations in Heterogeneous, Absorbing Fluid Media E. Martin, B. Treeby
17:20 |
Pitch Glide Effect Induced by a Nonlinear String—Barrier Interaction D. Kartofelev, A. Stulov, V. Välimäki
Ultrasound Tissue Characterization: Comparison of Statistical Results using Fundamental and Harmonic Signals F. Lin, A. Cristea, C. Cachard, O. Basset
A robust time-base transformation scheme for computing waveform deformation during nonlinear propagation of ultrasound B. De Graaf, S.B. Raghunathan, M.D. Verweij
17:40 |
Efficient, Adaptive Mesh Distributions for Spectral Methods Applied to Nonlinear Acoustics E. Wise, B. Cox, B. Treeby
Amphi 1 bis |
Amphi 2 |
Amphi 3 |