Amphi 1 bis |
Amphi 2 |
Amphi 3 |
14:50 |
Opening Ceremony |
15:10 |
Plenary lecture 1: Robin Cleveland
Nonlinear acoustics in biomedical ultrasound R. Cleveland
16:10 |
16:20 |
General nonlinear acoustics 1
Standing Shear Waves in Anisotropic Viscoelastic Media T. Krit, I. Golubkova, V. Andreev
Therapeutic applications 1
Histotripsy: Nonlinearities Essential for Therapeutic Lesion Formation C. Cain
Thermoacoustics 1
Nonlinear Diffusion-Wave Equation for a Gas in a Regenerator Subject to Temperature Gradient N. Sugimoto
16:40 |
Second-Harmonic Generation in Shear Wave Beams with Different Polarizations K. Spratt, Y. Ilinskii, E. Zabolotskaya, M. Hamilton
Magnetoacoustic Nonlinear Waves in a Heat-Releasing Plasma D. Ryashchikov, N. Molevich, D. Zavershinskiy
17:00 |
Effect of Nanostructuring on the Elastic Properties of Aluminum Alloy AMg6. V. Prokhorov, A. Korobov, A. Kokshaiskii, S. Perfilov, A. Volkov
Use of Shock-Wave Heating for Faster and Safer Ablation of Tissue Volumes in High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Therapy V. Khokhlova, P. Yuldashev, I. Sinilshchikov, A. Partanen, T. Khokhlova, N. Farr, W. Kreider, A. Maxwell, O. Sapozhnikov
Lagrangian description of energy conversion in the Taconis oscillations K. Ishii, S. Adachi, H. Hayashi, I. Menshov
17:20 |
Application of Weak Shock Theory to Transient Plane Shear Waves J. Cormack, M. Hamilton
Nonlinear effects in ultrasound fields of diagnostic-type transducers used for kidney stone propulsion: characterization in water and derating to clinically relevant depth in tissue M. Karzova, B. Cunitz, P. Yuldashev, Y. Andriyakhina, W. Kreider, O. Sapozhnikov, M. Bailey, V. Khokhlova
Experiments on the acoustic solitary wave generated thermoacoustically in a looped tube D. Shimizu, N. Sugimoto
17:40 |
Quantitative Assessment of Reactive Oxygen Species Generation by Cavitation Incepted Efficiently Using Nonlinear Propagation Effect Y. Jun, S. Yoshizawa, S.-I. Umemura
Amphi 1 bis |
Amphi 2 |
Amphi 3 |